These days, procrastinating has been like a hobby. Many like doing it, many are fine with it. Not only do you feel comfortable going with it, but also are ignorant to its consequences. Because you can always think of one excuse if it is not two.

Fact: some people are all excuses and without action.

Maybe you are just too lazy but are drawn with long list of (fun) activities, and end up doing nothing to the core. Over and over again. Yet still expecting A mark and staying on top among your colleagues. Unbelieveable, but true.

And oh, you actually know that soon you need to cope with the pain as the effect of that you obviously know. You prefer welcoming the pain to working the first step of the work. Sounds like there is no shame in that. Weird, isn’t it?

Often procrastinating is simply because you keep thinking that the work or assignment as something huge, bulk, stressful, and difficult. Cristal clear, but it happens only when none is done to break the work or assignment into small-manageable chunks, a collection of small effort.

The fact is, it’s hard not to procrastinate when you’re addicted to it. Knowing that you’re still having minutes before its deadline. You’re going to argue your mind, ‘I still have time’. You can also argue the surrounding people reminding you to get it done, simply by answering them, ‘I will do it soon, ok’ . That addiction wins. You lost your parameters.

So, what to do?

Gather yourself, switch your mindset. Get your parameters back. They would be hugely beneficial.

Find love in it…
If you love doing it, you won’t procrastinate!

None that lasts forever would come instantly. Result equals effort.

One of many big problems with constant procrastination is that you’re living in an environment that is conducive to distraction; notifications from your social media, replying messages, answering emails, inviting features to try on your FB, checking likes on your IG posts, friends calling, etc.

Though you have set yourself to doing the work, you can still be distracted to a magic phrase, quick look. And that leads to looking or checking another. Soon, before you realize it, a whole day, a whole nite has gone by. It’s hard to focus when you are in an constant action like this.

So the smallest first step you need to do is creating a space. Find a comfy spot, turn off wifi, put away our mobile phones, or get somewhere where there is only good view and a cup of hot chocolate. With an environment like this, you will be able to focus much better.

What’s more? You’ve been doing so much that you’re tiring yourself out. Like surviving with your studies, joining more than three organizations with dozens of meetings in a week with long hours of discussion, applying few youth competitions, or been working hard as a project leader running chores for a week without a mental break.

If these happen, the second step you need to do is getting a good rest. Real one. Get your balance. Find your free time, use it as free time to rest. Take a nap. Sleep in. Disconnect with study or work, read a paper or bestselling book. Call a friend for a coffee talk, light talk. Go for a slow walk somewhere in a city park, not for exercise but to get a mental breather. Look around, watch the greenery.

Feel every second that passes. Feel life. Feel you.

After all, the most important thing, however, is to give yourself the permission and time to enact a self-care. Don’t make it too late. It’s when everything’s collapsed, when everything gets harder to handle. Prioritize your own wellbeing.

Because it’s you that is important. Everything else will come later for you to fit in. That can happen if you are fit to yourself first.

Be one!!!

– Nite without stars, Deedee –